Kids for Coltrane

Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences | Edutopia

Posted on: November 4, 2009

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1 Response to "Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences | Edutopia"

Howard Gardner represents excellence in educational research and data. Essentially if all schools paid attention to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, children would not suffer in the schools and they would be given the true opportunity to flourish with their own talents. I believe there is no other way to teach other than appreciating the differences in children and the multiple ways of conveying ideas. Unfortunately, the system that has prevailed has left many talented, gifted children frustrated and turned off to education. It is our loss, each time a student does not reach their potential. Hopefully, our future will change and there will be hope with respect for allowing teachers that are creative and open minded to command the classroom.

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